Lab News



  • A major study from the lab on a novel lncRNA SLAMR is accepted in Nature Communications! Special congratulations to Isabel, and Jenna for leading the project!


  • Kacian Clayton from Florida Atlantic University joins as an Undergraduate Student Volunteer. Welcome Kacian!



  • Puthanveettil lab receives NIH R21 grant funding to study KIF5C associated RNAs in specific neurons


  • Puthanveettil Chairs a Symposium on Noncoding RNAs during the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in Washington DC
  • Sebastian successfully defends his Undergraduate Honors thesis. Congratulations Sebastian!


  • Wuyue Zhou leaves the lab to join Cian Seath’s laboratory for graduate studies. All the best Wuyue!
  • Abhishek Sadhu moves to UT Southwestern. Best wishes Abhishek!


  • Jackson Carter joins as a graduate student. Welcome Jackson!


  • Joel Yearick from Rice University joins the lab as NSF SURF student. Welcome Joel! 
  • Priya Gowda (Suncoast High School) and Emma Lewis (William T. Dwyer High School) join the lab as Kenan summer research Students! Welcome Priya and Emelie! 


  • Yibo to continue in the lab for her doctoral studies! Welcome again Yibo! 


  • Abhishek publish in eNeuro! Congratulations Abhishek! 
  • Sebastian Lozano-Villada from Florida Atlantia University joins the lab as a research volunteer. Welcome Seabstian!
  • Puthanveettil becomes Associate Editor of Molecular Neurobiology
  • Jackson Carter begin his rotation in the lab! Welcome Jackson!



  • Clarissa and Erin leave the lab! Best wishes to both of you!
  • Badal and Puthanveettil Review in Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Journal. Congrats Kerriann!


  • Publication in “Methods in Molecular Biology” Badal et al describing methods for quantifying anterograde and retrograde transport in neurons. Congratulations Kerriann!
  • Jenna receives F32 Post-doctoral award from NIH. Congratulations Jenna!


  • Lukas Abraham from Suncoast High School joins as a Kenan Summer Research student  and Arthi Khan from Florida Atlantic University as NIDDK STEP-UP (Short Term Research Experience to Unlock Potential) program summer student! Welcome Lukas and Arthi!


  • Lab receives R03 funding to study kinesins and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Puthanveettil joins Editorial Board of “RNA Biology”
  • Wuyue decides to join the lab for her doctoral studies. Welcome Wuyue! 


  • Scripps Florida Merge with University of Florida! A new beginning! 


  • Yibo accepted into Scripps Graduate Program! Congratulations Yibo! 



  • Erin Bryant joins the lab as a Research Assistant


  • Kaushik Chanda, PhD joins that lab as a Post-Doctoral Associate


  • Kerriann obtain F31 Predoctoral funding support from NIH. Congratulations Kerriann! 


  • Eddie leaves the lab for joining Foundations Medicine as a Computational Biologist! Congratulations and all the very best Eddie!
  • Our study on the function of molecular motor KIF5C in long-term memory storage (Swarnkar et al., 2021) is published in Cell Reports! Congrats Supriya!   
  • Sathya’s editorial on RNAs in neurological development and diseases is published in “RNA Biology” journal!
  • Lab receives a two-year funding from NIMH to begin studies on circular RNAs in memory!


  • Ashesh Amatya from Alexander Dreyfoos School of the Arts joins as Summer High School Student – Kenan Fellow. Welcome Ashesh!
  • Eddie successfully defends his thesis! Congratulations Dr. Eddie Grinman!
  • Jesscia Arzavala from Smith College, MA, joins as SURF-REU student. Welcome Jesscia!
  • Daniel Park from University of Central Florida joins the lab as Research Volunteer.


  • Supriya’s major work on Kif5C accepted for publication Cell Reports! Congrats Supriya!
  • Dr. Clarissa Hass joined the lab as a Research Associate. Welcome Clarissa!


  • Eddie’s major work on IncRNA ADEPTR (named by Eddie) published in Science Advances! Congrats Eddie!
  • Nadine accepts a job with Biogen Inc. Congrats Nadine!


  • Nadine Joseph successfully defended her thesis. Lab’s first PhD! Congrats Nadine!
  • Lab receives funding from the National Science Foundation!
  • Kerriann got selected as one of the winners of the contest organized by Kerafest for life science graduate students. Congrats Kerriann!


  • Nancy Norton who supported Puthanveettil lab for almost a decade retires from Scripps. Wishing you a very happy retired life, Nancy!
  • Isabel accepted an independent research position, Research Fellow, at the CABIMER (Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine), Seville, Spain. Congrats Isabel! All the best to you for setting up your research program!


  • Nadine’s review on mitotic kinesins is accepted in Cells! Congrats Nadine!



  • Nadine’s manuscript on Kif3B published in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience! Congrats Nadine!


  • Lab celebrates 10th year anniversary!
  • Daniel Park, undergraduate student at the University of South Florida, joins the lab as a BLEU (Biomedical Laboratory Experience for Undergraduates) student.


  • Abhishek Sadhu and Jenna Wingfield join the lab as research associates. Welcome Abhishek and Jenna!
  • Michaela Horger graduate student at Scripps begins her rotation in the lab. Welcome Michaela!


  • Sathya receives tenure at Scripps Research!


  • Co-authored paper with Davis lab on developing mitotherapeutics published in Science Advances. Congrats Yosef!



Supriya accepts position as a Senior Project Manager at the Jackson Laboratory. Hearty Congrats! Good luck with your new position Supriya!

Marina and Vani complete their undergraduate research training in the lab. Good luck and all the best with your new adventures!


Eddie and Supriya present at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Congrats!

Yosef leaves the lab for taking up a new position in VA San Diego. Congrats and all the best Yosef!

Good luck to Brittany and Kori-Ann with their next rotations!


Kerriann’s publication on mitochondrial transport is featured in Congrats Kerriann!


Supriya wins Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society For Neuroscience! Congrats Supriya!

Kerriann wins FAU Graduate Fellowship for Academic Excellence award! Congrats Kerriann!

Kori-Ann Citrin, Graduate Student at FAU Brain Institute Neuroscience Graduate Program begins her rotation. Welcome Kori-Ann!

Summer student Steffan Okorafor wins a runner up prize for the Undergraduate Students Poster presentation. Congratulations Steffan!

Brittany Wheatly, Graduate Student at Scripps Graduate Program begins her rotation. Welcome Brittany!


Supriya wins Mark A Hall travel award to attend Society for Neuroscience meeting in Chicago 2019. Congrats Supriya!

Kerrian wins Graduate Diversity Scholarship from FAU.  Congrats Kerriann!

Review on lncRNAs by Eddie and Isabel accepted in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Congrats Eddie and Isabel!

Steffan Okorafor joins the lab as NSF-SURF intern. Welcome Steffan!


Kerriann wins Diversity Award from the Gordon Research Conference. Congrats Kerriann!


Kerriann accepted to present at the Gordon Research Conference to present her wok on mitochondrial transport in Aplysia sensory neurons. Congrats Kerriann!

Sathya to speak at Michigan State University Program in Neuroscience.


Supriya and Kerriann present at the Sunposium meeting, MPFI’s Biennial Conference, At the forefront of understanding neural circuits, West Palm Beach. Congrats Supriya and Kerriann!


Isabel and Eddie present their work at the Keystone symposia on lncRNAs.


Kerriann’s paper is awarded cover paper in Cell Reports! Congrats Kerriann!

Marina Perez, Undergraduate student from FAU joins the lab to study sea slug aging. Welcome Marina!